5 Day Hands-on Hoof Experience: Floby Sweden

August 23rd-27th, 2025

Daisy Bicking

Daisy is a dynamic leader who loves to mentor, teach and cheerlead those around her.  Her passion is helping horses live their best lives through providing and teaching hoof care incorporating integrative modalities to benefit the whole horse .  Daisy has been a farrier practicing around the world for 20 years, and supports horses who need more intensive interventions on site at Daisy Haven Farm in Pennsylvania as well.  In 2009 Daisy started teaching hoof educational courses and since then travels the US and abroad teaching and speaking about the horse and hoof.  More recently, Daisy has taken her educational content to online platforms as well as continuing in-person workshops, mentorships and consultations.

Jeremy Jennings
ISIH Student

The information gained from listening to Daisy and watching her work is invaluable.  It has helped me understand the hoof and grasp how important finding EQUILIBRIUM is to whole horse wellness.